Monday, September 29, 2014

Piling On The Protein

The very first form of therapy that anyone suffering from PCOS should try is a LIFESTYLE MODIFICATION.  This is also known as, in my unfiltered terms, a swift kick in the ass.  How are you living?  What stress do you have, what do you eat, how active are you, how chaotic is your life, do you smoke, drink too much, or do recreational drugs...???...just staahhhhp!

Here are my quick guidelines for a lifestyle intervention for PCOS:

1) Put down that cigarette.  Find yourself a smoking cessation plan that you will stick to.  Work with your PCP to see if medication may be an option.  When all else fails, just fucking do it already!  I am 32 years old, and I will not lie to you, everyday I want to smoke.  Maybe not all day, but at least some point during my day I think a stupid thought like, "Man, I could smoke a cig right now"...but I don't.  How...WILLPOWER.

2) Reduce your alcoholic consumption. A glass of wine to me is of no consequence, however, if you need a bottle a night to get to sleep or get through a dinner with your family, there is something deeper that needs to get addressed.  Plus, alcohol has a whole bunch of sugar and as you will soon find out, SUGAR IS THE ENEMY!

3) De-stress and get organized.  Pinterest has become my best friend.  There are so many amazing ideas for organizing your entire life.  From de-cluttering your closet to prepping meals a week in advance to ease your way into clean eating.  When you are surrounded by chaos it shows on you physically.  So grab a tablet and pencil and write done your plan to simplify your life and allow yourself some peace!

4) Now we talk about's simple really...I promise...High protein, low carb, eat from the earth.  That's it.  By pushing protein into your body, you are providing yourself fuel.  Your body burns more fat this way.  Don't focus on calorie counting.  In fact, the only numbers you should pay attention to are grams of carbs vs. grams of protein.  Here is a list of some of the highest protein yielding foods that you want to incorporate into your life:

Protein (g)
6 oz
1 cup
Tuna, canned
6 oz
3 oz
Chicken Breast
3.5 oz
Edamame, Steamed
1 cup
Hamburger Patty
4 oz
Pork Tenderloin
4 oz
½ cup
1 cup
Black beans
1 cup
Kidney Beans
1 cup
1 cup

I'm sure you have all heard of Atkins or Paleo.  These diets are great for guidelines, but don't fall into the trap of believing that packaged foods with a labeling that cries out the buzz words of these diets.  EAT FROM THE EARTH.  Avoid anything processed or packaged if possible. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Dreary Day in DE

Today is dreary and disgusting in The First State.  Getting out of bed is always challenging for me, but today was horrible.  I could have laid there listening to the rain on the trees outside, snuggled under my covers with my husband and dog, all morning.  But, alas, I headed to work.

My job is a mix of data analysis and reporting.  Not the most exciting thing for a day like this.  So, I decided to crank up the music today and try to get myself moving around a little bit.  I'm lucky enough to have my own office and can shut the door if I am feeling really goofy.

Here's a snap shot of today's playlist:

1) Thunder Clatter - Wild Cub
2) Dance With Me - Ra Ra Riot
3) Love Runs Out - OneRepublic
4) Heavy Bells - J Roddy Walston & The Business
5) I Wanna Get Better - Bleachers
6) Dancin On My Own - Robyn
7) Sure As The Sun - NYPC
8) New Beat - Toro y Moi
9) Heads Will Roll - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
10) Daft Punk Is Playing At My House - LCD Soundsystem

There's also going to be a few cameos by my friends the Talking Heads and David Bowie to today.

Tonight I am going to try to get to bed early.

Monday, September 22, 2014

It puts the lotion on it's skin...

I dont know if it is the change in seasons that is sending my skin into complete chaos or if it is all of the stress from day-to-day life.  For the last week my skin has been itchy, acne has been out of control on my chin and neck area, and my hands and feet are cracking and peeling.  WTF!

I just got back from vacay.  We road tripped it done the coast to sunny South Carolina.  Weather was actually more rainy, but it was nice to get away.  I was hoping the change in temp would shock my skin back into submission, but I wasnt so lucky.  Since it was crappy weather I didnt even get to do any sunbathing, which would have naturally cleared up the acne. 

I know it is bad, and I hate to promote anything taboo, but I may jump in the tanning bed a few times this week.  I have always found that after two to three sessions in the UV bed, my skin is clearer and I am in an overall better mood.  Whether it's the microwaves or the Vit D, it works! 

The facial cleanser I have been using is charcoal based.  I think I am going to swap it out for something more gentle.  Maybe Cetaphyl? 

Monday, September 15, 2014

What is PCOS?

Polycystic ovary syndrome is an endocrine disorder that affects approx. 10% of females throughout the world. It does not discriminate by race or ethnicity. Girls from as young as 6 to women in post-menopause can show signs and symptoms of PCOS. It is believed to be the leading cause of infertility although reproductive issues are secondary to the many other problems associated. It is not a 'one shoe fits all' type of disorder. In fact women can have no cysts present on their ovaries to still be diagnosed PCOS. The fundamental cause is believed to be a sensitivity to the hormone insulin. This is why the number one treatment is a low glycemic diet high in protein. 

Welcome Cysters!

Finally got the courage to start blogging about my experiences with PCOS. This is the beginning for this site but I have been suffering from this syndrome for years. My hope for you is that you find the info you are seeking and take comfort knowing you are not alone. PCOS is a scary and lonely disorder that affects far more women than are clinically diagnosed. I'm happy you are hear and together we will make sense of it all. I am not a health professional, but I am a Cyster like you!  Please feel free to ask me anything. If I don't have an answer I will tell you. I'm not here to sell you a diet or a magical cure. I'm here for support and have decided to blog my journey to help my own sanity. I look forward to getting to know you all!